WMU and Women's Ministry

Women on Mission is a mission group under the Women's Missionary Union. Our mission is to inform and inspire Christians to influence their world for Christ. This group takes advantage of many mission opportunities world wide and at state and local levels. All women 18 years and older are invited and encouraged to join. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the educational building at church.

Men's Ministry

The Baptist Men’s Fellowship is comprised of men of all ages from our congregation who are committed to being “the hands and feet” of our church. We exist not only to strengthen the bonds between Christian men but to provide a way for our church to spread the light of Christ into our community. The group is available to step in to complete project needs for our members which may otherwise remain unmet.  We also, within our limits, work on projects for those in the surrounding area.  Mowing lawns, trimming bushes, building wheelchair ramps, minor home repairs  - we’ll do whatever we can do which time, expertise and resource allows.  In the name of Jesus we try to share His blessings with those who have a need, but we often discover the largest blessings come back to us.  Presently, we do not have a “sit-down” meeting every month but rather use that time to work on any projects in which we’re involved.  If we’re able to meet a need, through the strength of our God we will do our best to meet it.

Senior Adult

The seniors of our church meet the second Tuesday of each month for lunch and fellowship. Everyone 55 and older is welcomed.